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Eclipse Songcraft Academy

"Serving the song creators of tomorrow"

Our Mission Statement

To identify and meet the creative needs of Florida’s musical and songwriting community by using our expertise to bring a game changing and game-raising energy through our teaching seminars, song craft training workshops (both to individual and small groups) and personal & professional advocacy.

Do you have what it takes to be a songwriter?

Those wishing to find out should know that St. Augustine’s very own Eclipse Song Craft Academy is offering a variety of training classes & workshops beginning this spring.

Based around a modular approach to the songwriter’s craft, including the creative, evaluative and editorial, and following on from each participant’s Confidential Individual Assessment, our course & workshop will be tailored to meet the particular needs & abilities of participating students.

Eligibility will be wide ranging – from the seasoned professional songwriter who just wants to extend his/her skill set to the relative beginner as yet uncertain of their own talents as song writers yet bravely keen to give it a go!

We will be with you every step of the way, but make no mistake, the training will be as challenging for each individual as they can (with our assistance) cope with, to better move them ever closer to the goal of being able to write beautiful & powerful songs.

To this end, each module will involve a training seminar, intensive workshop and some set individual homework, over an 8 week period.

Contact us to see if we have a course to suit you!

Who is eligible & how do I enroll? 

The first step is to contact us at Eclipse to book your Individual Assessment. This will determine whether you have enough raw talent and/or experience to benefit from our training and will typically involve a confidential one-to-one interview lasting a little over an hour. Where relevant, we may ask you to bring examples of your output to the interview or, alternatively we will assess your aptitude if your experience to date is minimal.

Other Services 

 We will also be offering a range of services to meet the needs of the jobbing songwriter, including critiquing, editing and recording facilities.
If curious, please ask.

What Will It Cost?

We have succeeded in making our course modules surprisingly affordable.
The tuition for the 8 week course is $349.00.
There will also be a small nominal charge for the Confidential Individual Assessment.
(which will be credited towards course upon enrollment) 

Questions? Call us! 904-794-1872